Unifor demands fair wage for Grand River Hospital frontline health care heroes
Posted in Local news, and Unifor 1106
KITCHENER – Unifor Local 1106, representing nearly 1,400 dedicated health care workers at Grand River Hospital, is calling on hospital management and the Board of Directors to recognize and fairly compensate its frontline heroes.
“With Bill 124 overturned, it’s astonishing that Grand River Hospital’s management still insists that the health care workers who tirelessly served their patients and community, often at great personal risk, don’t deserve fair pay,” said Lana Payne, Unifor National President. “Grand River Hospital must immediately get back to the table and negotiate the fair wages that are long overdue.”
In November 29 2022, the Superior Court ruled Bill 124 unconstitutional and Unifor initiated wage reopener negotiations in February 8 2023, seeking fair compensation for its members. Despite arbitration setting a wage pattern in June 2023, Grand River Hospital continued to delay negotiations. The union made demands throughout August and September 2023, and finally, in October 2023, the employer agreed to meet but refused to discuss wages further.
“Management at Grand River Hospital has repeatedly ignored our demands for fair wages, leaving our members behind their peers,” Colleen Stevens, Vice President of Unifor Local 1106. “We have waited long enough. We are taking action and demanding the same wage adjustments health care workers in other hospitals and other Unifor members have received. We won’t accept anything less.’
Grand River Hospital’s 2021-2024 collective agreement was initially negotiated under the constraints of the unconstitutional Bill 124. However, once Bill 124 was overturned Unifor has successfully negotiated wage reopener agreements for members at nearly 20 other hospitals in Ontario.
Unifor is calling on Grand River Hospital Board of Directors to return to the bargaining table immediately.
Unifor represents more than 30,000 health care workers, including hospitals, long-term care, emergency services, and community and social services and is Canada’s largest union in the private sector, representing 315,000 workers in every major area of the economy. The union advocates for all working people and their rights, fights for equality and social justice in Canada and abroad, and strives to create progressive change for a better future.